Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun time in NYC

Well, New York City was really fun. Here's a six word summary for Pammy.

NYC for me: food, yoga, philosophy.

I really just love walking around there and stopping in a cool looking place the most, well, that and the yoga. And the philosophy conference was actually pretty good also. I was actually a little more apprehensive than usual about giving my paper. I think because I'm a bit out of academic mode in that I'm not teaching and expressing my ideas out loud so much. Sometimes, I think that I've forgotten how to do that. Both this year and last year the same thing happened when I was reading my paper, I thought to myself, "you know this sounds much better out loud than it does when I'm constantly reading it in my head as I'm writing on the computer."

Let's see Thursday we visited Anusara Land and took class with Elena Brower at ViraYoga. It was absolutely the most sattvic Anusara class I've ever taken. Lovely. They have a nice new space in the same building as before, ate at a nice French Cafe for lunch and then went to Lure for dinner. My student, Natalie, is a wine sommalier there and she led us through a lovely meal with some really great wine pairings.

Friday I went to Iyengar Land and Jeff with to Anusara Land in the morning. I did some philosophy stuff in the afternoon and then we went to the first session of the John Schumacher workshop at the Iyengar Institute. It just happened he was in NYC the same weekend and that you could just take the Friday class, which is the only thing I really could have done. It was nice to work with him again, though a Level II class was not quite the same intensity as the big kid's group at Feathered Pipe.

Then we went for dinner at this lovely Belgian Cafe Markt right near the Institute. Here's a picture of me at it from our last trip.

Saturday was all day philosophy for me and Jeff walked around the city, though this picture is actually taken on Monday morning.

Saturday night we went to the BurningMan NYC decompression party with my friend, James. That was a lot of fun, it involved a lengthy car ride out to the darkest Brooklyn and a trip to costume shop on Broadway. Here's one scene from the festivities.

Sunday more Iyengar Land and Ethiopian Food at Meskerem with James and Natalie joined us for a bit. We also stopped in this really lovely place, The Waverly Inn. We just walked by and thought it looked cool and went in. It turns out it is this sort of uber-trendy place that is often quite hard to get into, but we had more of the we just stopped in great experience that several others comment on. Really, it was quite magical.

Monday, a quick visit to Anusara Land, a last minute pizza slice and a long ride to the airport and a long plane ride home.

Today, I caught up on various things, subbed this morning for Heide and am getting ready to go teach CTs two classes.

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