Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Morning

Writing went well yesterday, though I got off to a slow start. I revised about half of the Lysis chapter and will do the rest today. I also hit upon a revision plan where I'm going to spend a week on the Republic chapter and then a week revising an earlier mostly finished chapter and then go back to the Republic for a week. I think that will help keep my perspective fresh. And help me see the whole and the parts.

That's the current plan of action anyway.

After spending the afternoon writing, I went to CT's yoga classes. Jeff was working late fighting some sort of massive computer virus stuff at his work, so I watched the Democratic National Convention. Obama's speech was really great! I thought he did an amazing job of calling upon a higher vision of American that transcends Red America and Blue America. I'm so impressed that I'm actually going to put an Obama sticker on the shuttlecraft (mini-van). Of course, this is less of a radical act here in Austin than it would be in Waco (home of Republicans for Voldermort).

Celina is here cleaning (happiness) so I'm now going to need to sequester myself in the back of the house and start revising while she cleans the living room.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yes we can!!!! :-)