Friday, August 8, 2008

The Day in Yoga Land

Today was pretty much Friday in Yoga Land. Jeff and I went to Jeremiah's yoga class this morning. I came home and did some stuff for the Baylor comprehensive exams and looked over A Philosophic Muse (actually, Craig's past couple talks have been quite helpful about clarifying the limitations of the self-mastery model) then subbed for Jenny D (Hatha Flow). Two strange things happened at the Hatha Flow Class. One a student was wearing an "I love Carrboro" t-shirt. Carroboro is right next to, well really a part of Chapel Hill. When I lived in Chapel Hill, it was um, well, sort of not particularly cool for a variety of reasons. But now it is apparently "the place to be." Then there was a woman Shellie who looked tres familiar to me... and after class she said. I think we went to college together. Sure enough.. Trinity I lived in Thomas and she lived in Lightner Dorm (right next door, Freshman Year). After that double blast from the past, I Talked with CT on the phone and went to practice with Devon. Then I subbed another Hatha Flow class at 4:30. Some where in there I talked with James about Plato's Agent and am remotivated to get to work on that project as well. James asked me if summer was about over and well except for the heat, there's a sense in which I feel that way. Like I'm getting ready to work....

On a different note, in honor of momzy pooh's birth I thought I'd re post Moments with Momiji (this is actually from my india blog ( It is in the style of e.e. cummings, because the caps lock did not work that particular day at the internet cafe....

christina wrote a blog post a few days back about lessons she learned from dad. mom is in the midst of moving grandmartha to a new facility and so i thought i'd honor her love and dedication today by recording a few lessons i learned from mom over the years.

1. if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. (sometimes a little more forcefully put, as in if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.)

2. it is better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it. (aka be prepared)

3. if you don't like what's for dinner, then cook something else yourself.

4. put a sweater on (because i'm cold)

5. stand up straight. don't slouch. (very yogic)

6. afterschool snacks are well worth coming home for.

7. gardening gives great pleasure.

8. all people have something interesting to say.

9. if you are lost, ask for directions.

10. do what needs to be done without being asked to do it.

love, anzy

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I love this and was just about to write a long comment on something related ... my friend Jeannie's "birthday" game which is very similar to what you did in this post. BUT, I have to get in the shower and head down to San Marcos so perhaps I will develop it into a post of its own on my blog.

Let me just say that I'm happy you are posting again on BOTH blogs. I love to read your stuff.