Monday, December 29, 2008

New Digital Camera Photos

This is Milo's first close up photo, taken with my new digital camera. He's really totally cute. He's looking more and more like a golden retriever everyday.

This is Q contemplating play time with Blue Snarfles.
Milo sitting.
Q, in Milo's crate, happy for some peace and quiet.

In non-dog related news, Jeff and I went down to practice with Christina (and Kelly for awhile). We worked on a sequence for kaptotasana from a Patricia Walden workshop CT went to in 2005. I had the notes from an Iyengar friend. We'll do the sequence in an upcoming Friday practice. After practice, we ate yummy samosas and dosas.

Today, I'm trying to get some writing done and get my yoga expenses organized and figure out the digital camera. The return to school is beginning to feel like a reality.

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