Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Heading up to Waco to Vote

Well, I'm getting ready to hop in the shower and head on upto Waco once the traffic clears. I did not focus up on changing my voter registeration to Austin nor did I request an absentee ballot, so I'm driving up to Waco to vote. I'm also going to sign a few papers at work and have lunch with Gabrielle. I should be back in time for CTs classes.

Oh here are some more puppy pictures. I'm not actually sure which one is going to be mine yet. Maybe I'll get all three afterall. (Just kidding, the puppies all have homes now). My friend Paul Larson suggested that I name the puppy Obama. Though Barack would be a good puppy name also.


Christina Sell said...

Ummm...he did notice that the puppy is, shall we say...WHITE, didn't he? (Or at least a pale beige.)

Lisa said...

OBAMANOS!!!! :-)

Mike Frosolono said...

Well, isn't President-elect Obama sort of pale beige?