Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting Started on Monday Morning

Well, Day light savings time certainly makes it easier to be productive in the morning. I"m up and ready to be writing. This week I'm working on the Myth of Er section of the Republic Chapter. The myth of Er is the story Socrates tells to end the Republic. It is all about reincarnation and the choices we make based on our experiences and our opinions about what a good life is. More on that on the teaching blog later this week.

Let's see last week was mostly filled with life organization tasks, a bit of writing, a bunch of yoga subbing, and puppy preparations. I got through the revisions to the Republic chapter I wanted to make based on the conference presentation.

Some trick or treaters came by Friday night and the first advanced practice at Clear Spring was quite a success. Saturday I taught my first Special Inversion workshop which went really well. More on that on the teaching blog as well. Then the YogaYoga 360 opening bash.Sunday, the highlight was Mandy's backbending class and some nice time in the sun on my balcony. Jeff had to work that afternoon and evening, so I caught up on some phone conversations with Mom, Dad, Lenore, and Christina. I also watched All the President's Men which I had not seen in a really long time. It was really interesting looking at life without cell phones, computers, and email...and yet there was still information gathering and truth searching, conspiracies, and the like.

Update on the puppy. Jeff and I will go to pick him up Saturday afternoon in Victoria after I teach my first class at 360.

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