Monday, August 20, 2007

Non Walmart ways in Waco

Jerri, my faithful blog comment poster, Walmart is the least of my various dissatisfactions with Waco.

But actually I had a good first day back in Waco. I'm teaching the class that teaches our graduate students how to teach and I have a group of students who seem really super committed to pedagogy. I'm also teaching World Cultures I and the students were attentive and inquistive. I had a really lovely coffee with a student Adam early this morning (we commiserated about the loathing that emerges with respect to scholarly tasks) and later another coffee later in the day (well I had club soda and waffle fries) with Lenore, my best friend. There's all the first day of school fun. Everyone is really excited to be back and there's no actual real work to do yet..that is the great thing about academia, always a clean slate, right around the corner.

I also taught my first yoga class since the return from India. (more on that on

and then my good friend Gabrielle and I went to dinner at 135 prime, by far my favorite place to hang out in waco. I had a great side of squash and cilantro rice...

and new tile in the hacienda bathroom floor ... what more could one want in a day...?

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