Monday, June 8, 2009

Anne in Austin, Indeed.

It has been ages since I've written. I've been totally swamped with moving from the Westrock house into my lovely new home in the 45. Everything about the house is really perfect. Last week, I spent most of my time unpacking boxes and organizing a room a day. There's still more organization to do, but things are pretty much in place now and Delora came to clean and somehow that made it feel like I really live here now!

I've allowed my writing time to get squeezed out with all the domestic organization, but I'm recommitting to do as of today. I have about 8 weeks until Jeff and I go out to the Darren and Christina workshop and my goal is to have the book sent to the press editor for review by then.

As part of the writing plan, I'm also blogging. Again,

Anyway, here's the plan du jour. I have to send a conference paper off, organize all my notes I made about finishing the book over the past few weeks that I've not been writing, start revising the final chapter.

Also on the docket, morning practices... drop milo off at puppy school, go to CT's class, workout, return a defective dog bed, go to Devon's class.

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